Neuralink implanted a chip into human brain

Elon Musk’s biotechnology company, Neuralink, has successfully implanted a brain chip into its first human patient on Sunday. The chip has 1,000 electrodes and is designed to allow people to wirelessly perform computer functions by just thinking of what they’d like to do via a “think-and-click” mechanism. The company hopes that such chips can eventually work with the brain to help tackle complex medical conditions . The technology is based on ultra-thin probes being inserted into the brain, a neurosurgical robot to perform the operations, and a high-density electronic system capable of processing information from neurons.

Is it safe to implant a chip in the human brain?

The safety of implanting a chip in the human brain is still being studied. Neuralink, the company that has developed the brain chip, is currently conducting trials to test the safety of the implant and surgical robot 1. The company has received clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct its first trial to test the implant on humans.
According to a study published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, clinical use of leadless brain implants is accompanied by novel risks, such as migration of the implant. Additionally, the encapsulation material of the implants plays an important role in mitigating unwanted tissue reactions. These risks have the potential to cause harm or reduce the service of life of the implant .
It is important to note that the technology is still in its early stages and has not been approved for widespread use. The company is currently conducting trials to test the safety of the implant and surgical robot.

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