What is Cell and gene therapy?

Cell and gene therapy:  are overlapping fields of biomedical research and treatment that aim to treat, prevent, or cure diseases by altering or replacing genes in cells. Both therapies can potentially alleviate the underlying cause of genetic diseases and acquired diseases. However, they work differently.

Cell therapy:  aims to treat diseases by restoring or altering certain sets of cells or using cells to carry a therapy through the body. With cell therapy, cells are cultivated or modified outside the body before being injected into the patient. The cells may originate from the patient (autologous cells) or a donor (allogeneic cells)

Gene therapy aims to treat diseases by replacing, inactivating, or introducing genes into cells— either inside the body (in vivo) or outside of the body (ex vivo). Some therapies are considered both cell and gene therapies. These therapies work by altering genes in specific types of cells and inserting them into the body


Autologous cells are cells that are obtained from the same individual that they will be used to treat. In other words, autologous cells are cells harvested from a patient’s body and then used for therapeutic purposes. Autologous cells are used in cell therapy to restore or alter certain sets of cells or by using cells to carry a therapy through the body.

For instance, in autologous stem cell transplant, healthy blood stem cells are collected from the patient’s own body and then used to replace bone marrow that’s not working properly. This procedure is typically used in people who need to undergo high doses of chemotherapy and radiation to cure their diseases. Autologous stem cell transplant offers some advantages over stem cells from a donor, as there is no need to worry about incompatibility between the donor’s cells and the patient’s cells.


Allogeneic cells are cells that are obtained from a donor other than the patient who will receive them. In other words, allogeneic cells are cells that are harvested from a different individual and then used for therapeutic purposes. Allogeneic cells are used in cell therapy to restore or alter certain sets of cells or by using cells to carry a therapy through the body.

For instance, in an allogeneic stem cell transplant, healthy blood stem cells are collected from a donor’s body and then used to replace bone marrow that’s not working properly in the patient’s body. This procedure is typically used in people who need to undergo high doses of chemotherapy and radiation to cure their diseases. Allogeneic stem cell transplant offers some advantages over stem cells from the patient’s own body, as it can provide a new immune system that can help fight cancer cells.



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